Backyard landscaping is always one of my easiest house designer projects to execute. From initial design concepts with fresh flowers to more expensive larger projects such as retaining walls and colorful shrubs for landscaping around the perimeter of your property. The first step is to determine your goal for landscaping your backyard.
Do you have a specific event in your near future? Are you hosting a big get together? Do you just want to create a garden setting with some bright and cheerful plants to compliment your home? These are all questions that need to be answered before implementing any landscaping ideas.
Once you have determined your purpose, you can then begin your search for beautiful plants that will compliment your overall landscaping design ideas. Most often a front yard landscaping project starts with color! Many people think that by adding a large variety of brightly colored flowers that their garden will be more attractive and unique. This is not the case. The best colors for landscaping ideas are those that are used on the street: brighter hues and less subtle colors.
Brightly colored plants, whether they are used as a border, plants or even part of a larger landscape design are used to draw attention to both the front yard and the rest of the house. Color is very effective at increasing the “wow” factor of your landscaping design. It is also effective at making an otherwise bland yard into something spectacular. In fact, if you choose carefully, you can use the color of your landscaping ideas to enhance the curb appeal of your yard landscaping design.
If you are looking for front yard landscaping ideas that are less obvious, then you may want to consider using plants that are native to your area. There are many popular native plants available that can provide a wonderful touch of natural feel and beauty for any landscaping design. These plants are perfect for border areas, and they can even add interest to more traditional landscaping designs. Native plants can really make your front yard landscaping ideas pop but make sure that you research each plant and learn which varieties are native to your area before you purchase them.
Other options for making your landscaping design ideas pop include creating color schemes that are warm and inviting. The colors that you choose for your landscaping ideas can be very inviting and can help to bring people inside the front yard and out of the house for a relaxing afternoon nap. If you are looking for plants and color schemes that are less traditional, you may want to consider creating your own color schemes. Creating personalized color schemes allows you to match your individual preferences with the colors of your choice.
One popular option for making your landscaped areas more colorful is to incorporate bright accent lighting. Accent lighting is a great way to highlight a specific shrub or plant. If you choose a plant with dramatic color or a shrub that is very common in a given landscaped area, you can easily highlight the plant by installing low voltage lighting. Low voltage landscape lighting is available in both outdoor and indoor styles, and they will last for years without the need for replacement. You can easily find landscaped areas that are perfect for accent lighting by searching the internet.
A final consideration for choosing colorful shrubs for landscaped areas is texture. Some landscaped areas may require a particular type of shrub or plant in order to create a certain look or atmosphere. In these instances, if the landscaper you are working with does not suggest a particular shrub or plant, you may have to settle for something less popular. If this happens, you can still create an interesting landscape by incorporating other types of plants or shrubs into the mix. The only limit is your imagination.